LG has announced its new Chromebase, the world's first AIO running Google's Chrome OS. LG has announced its new Chromebase, an all-in-one (AIO) PC powered by Google's Chrome OS.
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Researchers at cyber security company Trustwave have found a massive hack that compromised nearly 2 million accounts on Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, LinkedIn, ADP, and others.
Amazon founder and CEO has revealed plans to use flying drones for package delivery. Amazon is currently testing a delivery service that employs drones to deliver packages within 30 minutes of placing an order.
Microsoft has announced that it sold a whopping one million Xbox One consoles in less than 24 hours since launch.
Winamp has reached its end of life, as the popular media player will shut down on Dec. 20. It's time to say goodbye to Winamp, as the famous media player will shut down on Dec.
Southwest has become the first airline to offer gate-to-gate Wi-Fi service to its passengers. Southwest Airline will become the first airline to offer travelers the option of gate-to-gate Wi-Fi service, allowing passengers to stay connected even while the plane is on the runway.
An optics company has announced plans to launch prescription lenses for Google Glass in early 2014. Google Glass is not commercially available just yet, but one company promised to provide special prescription lenses for the device in early 2014.
A woman has received a traffic ticket for wearing Google Glass while driving in California, which raises questions on whether it's legal to wear the gadget behind the wheel.
Authorities have found the stolen truck that was transporting 22,500 LG G2 smartphones to Sprint and have arrested one man, but it remains uncertain whether the Sprint LG G2 launch will be on time.
A YouTube subscription music video service is reportedly in the works and the launch could be just months away.
A bullied teen's aunt made a plea on Facebook and saw at least 50 cars show up at her nephew's high school to support him and stand up to bullying.
Popular torrent website isoHunt has formally shut down after more than 10 years of activity. Torrent site isoHunt has formally shut down after more than ten years of activity, following a seven-year court case with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).
Microsoft has announced that Windows 8 users who do not upgrade to Windows 8.1 in due time will no longer receive support after two years.