Co-Creator of BBC’s “Sherlock” explains why the show may no longer return for Season 5. BBC’s “Sherlock” has been one of the most popular shows of the network since “Downtown Abbey.
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Players can now try out the Feral Horde playlist of “Gears of War 4.” The Coalition's "Gears of War 4" will be offering a new weekend-only Horde playlist and giving out double class XP.
Initial development for “Mass Effect: Andromeda” has finally finished. Moreover, a weapons training video has been released.
“A Criminal Past” DLC, “Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's” second big expansion, is now available on consoles and PC.
The latest update for "Fire Emblem Heroes" introduced a female version of Robin as the Grand Hero battle.
"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" Free DLC will be released on February 27 and will introduce Broly Expert Mission, it will be followed by the Super Pack 2 DLC on February 28 bringing in as well new game content and other exciting features.
According to Bethesda Game Studios’ director Todd Howard, the developers are currently working on seven projects that include a mobile game and recently announced two other titles for Nintendo Switch.
The Razer Power Bank costs $150, which has 12,800mAh capacity and can extend the battery life of the Blade Stealth of up to 15 hours.
EA and Origin Access will continue to add more games to its service and promises never to remove any once it goes in the company's vault of freebies.
Crowdfunding campaign has finally concluded for “Pillars Eternity 2.” Obsidian Entertainment is expected to create a soulbound weapon for “Pillars Of Eternity 2” if funding hits $4.25 millio
The highly anticipated "Red Dead Redemption 2" is scheduled to release in Fall 2017 -- and pre-orders start as early as today.
The "GTA 6" release date was allegedly hinted on one of the doors in a "GTA 5" Easter Egg.
"Titanfall 2" future content recently leaked with the release of the patch notes for the Live Fire update.