From over 5 million online nominations, Steam finally revealed 2016's winners in the annual Steam Awards.
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Point blank confirmation: Capcom have no interest in making a Super version of "Street Fighter V."
Hardware and software commercialism in Japan moved to a notch higher but still insufficient to drive Nintendo Wii U into extended shelf life.
Online play for "Devil's Third" has officially shut down. "Devil's Third" online play has already been shut down. This was after it was announced by Nintendo last June that they will be discontinuing the services for the said game.
A player used Cosmog strategy to beat a legendary Pokemon Team in "Pokemon Sun and Moon" "Pokemon Sun and Moon" player used Cosmog in order to beat - and eventually, wreck a legendary Pokemon team.
January's 2017 Games with Gold lineup for Xbox One includes: World of Van Helsing: Deathrap and Killer Instinct: Season 2 Ultra Edition.
Learn the tips and tricks on how to get golden guns as well as Genji's character tips in "overwatch."
Discover the secret things "Final Fantasy XV" does not tell its players. "Final Fantasy XV" has become one of the most popular games in 2016 and the developers do not always explain its nuances and systems.
Learn the locations of Runes and Bonecharms in "Dishonored 2" to improve your characters abilities as well as to earn bonuses.
Learn the latest tips and tricks on how to complete Costlemark Tower game in "Final Fantasy XV."
When "Skyrim Remastered" was launched, players did not automatically notice and feel the changes it brought with it until after a few runs in the game, where helpful and interesting changes were observed.
Here are the best JRPG titles in Xbox history Japanese game developers of RPG have been known to craft the most memorable games of the genre, such as "Chrono Trigger" and the "Final Fantasy" series.
"Final Fantasy XV" recently received update 1.03, and now a new farming guide that shows how players can acquire 500 Ability Points with the new update has surfaced online.