Popular player VLC has received a neat update for its iOS app, adding a new iOS 7 UI, an improved library, Google Drive downloads and Dropbox streaming.

VLC is among the most popular multimedia content viewers and many users worldwide rely on the player to watch content either on their PCs or mobile devices. VideoLAN's VLC for iOS has now reached version 2.2.0, which brings a number of changes.

The player now has a new look complete with multitouch gestures, a startup tutorial, and a fresh user interface. The app also got some enhancements under the hood, with a few functionality enhancements and some new additions that users have requested.

The new Google Drive integration and Dropbox streaming are perhaps the most notable changes to come with this new version of VLC for iOS. Users will now be able to download and stream content from Dropbox, but Google Drive will limit content delivery to just downloads, without streaming.

Besides adding these neat cloud-based options, the new VLC update has also brought improved stability with local UPnP multimedia servers. More specifically, VLC for iOS now has support for downloads from UPnP multimedia servers, and is also more reliable now when it comes to handling multiple items for Wi-Fi upload.

Other improvements refer to TV show and audio handling, which have now been tweaked for shows with more than 100 episodes. The app further received support for several new streaming formats, now making it easier for users to watch varied content on their iOS device. Such newly-supported formats include HTTP live streaming, HTTPS playback, as well as m3u streaming.

Here's the changelog as listed on iTunes:

  • GDrive integration and Dropbox streaming,
  • New multitouch gestures,
  • Improved library for TV Shows and Audio,
  • Better UPnP integration, with downloading support,
  • A startup tutorial,
  • New streaming formats and protocols supported,
  • Rewritten WiFi upload,
  • Improved privacy when using Passcode Lock
    - And so much more!

The new VLC for iOS version 2.2.0 is now available as a free download from the App Store. The update weighs in at 24.6MB and requires iOS 6.1 or newer in order to work. The app is compatible with iPhones, iPads, and iPods Touch. VLC for iOS is also optimized for the previous-generation iPhone 5.

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