The next generation Xbox announcement is just a few weeks away. Come May 21, Microsoft will attempt to get gamers excited to enter the next generation by purchasing an Xbox 720, but how will Microsoft do this? How will the giant from Redmond walk away victorious ahead of both Sony and Nintendo?

Here are our reasons for thinking the next generation Xbox could walk away with the prize ahead of the Sony PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Wii U:

Xbox Live

Microsoft has revolutionized the online multiplayer scene on video game consoles with Xbox Live. Although the original Xbox didn't do well at retail, Xbox Live still managed to make a name for itself, a name that helped propel the Xbox 360 to nearly 80 million units sold to date. With the new Xbox, we expect Microsoft to continue its dominance in this area, while the competition plays catch-up.

Entertainment, TV, Music, Movies, Apps

Rumors claim that Microsoft is planning to make the Xbox 720 the centerpiece of the living room. What does this mean? It means the next generation Xbox won't just be a gaming machine, it is expected to have a plethora of entertainment features to garner non-gamers and gamers alike. Microsoft has began this new focus with the Xbox 360 due to the addition of Xbox Music and Xbox Video, along with several third-party applications.

If recent rumors are true that Windows 8 will be a part of the next generation Xbox, one should expect to have the ability to download apps and games from the Windows 8 Store. Some might have a problem with Microsoft going this route, but why should the company focus solely on games? These features enhance the functionality of the console, along with making it a better value for consumers. Plus, who in this day and age wants to purchase a video game console just for playing games?

Kinect 2.0

Having a Kinect device packaged with every Xbox 720 would attract casual gamers and more women. It is the perfect device for casual gamers and entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. Make no mistake, Kinect has the potential to move millions of Xbox 720 consoles; however, content must first be available.

Timed exclusive third-party games and DLC

Microsoft drew this card with the Xbox 360 and it worked out pretty well, so no reason for the company not to attempt it again. With the announcement that the Call of Duty: Ghost big reveal will come at the May 21 Xbox event, one can be certain that some aspect of that game will be exclusive to the system, and many more third-party titles will follow suit.


If Microsoft is able to come up with a decent pricing plan, Sony and Nintendo would have problems keeping up. We see Microsoft testing the waters with a subscription plan Xbox 360; no doubt the software giant will take a similar step with the new Xbox. An Xbox 720 for $199 or $299 on subscription could send sales through the roof, and Sony and Nintendo might not have the means to respond aggressively.

Make no mistake: whatever Microsoft is planning, there's a good chance it will turn out to be spectacular. If you seriously believe no one would choose a console with a high play on entertainment features over a console that focuses mainly on gaming, think again.

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