Recently, Nokia announced the new Lumia 720 at MWC, a mid-range Windows Phone 8 device with high-end device features packed inside. The most compelling thing about the Lumia 720 is its primary camera, a 6.7-megapixel shooter that seems to take great photos.

On Feb. 27, Nokia Conversation posted an interview with Nokia's head of imaging technologies, Juha Alakarhu. The main discussion was based around the Lumia 720 and its imaging-taking capabilities and the technologies that allow the handset to capture tantalizing photos.

According to Alakarhu, the biggest innovation in the Lumia 720 is increasing the camera's aperture to f/1.9. Compared to other Nokia devices, this is the biggest aperture yet, not even the powerhouse that is the Lumia 920 or the PureView 808 compares to this beauty of a device.

Juha Alakarhu on the Lumia 720's front facing camera:

"I believe that this is the only front facing camera in the world that is using four physical lenses," says Juha. "This is very rare because most front facing cameras only use two or maybe three lenses. Four enables us to get the best possible sharpness."

"In addition, the front facing camera has an aperture size of f/2.4 and the sensor is also back illuminated. The wide-angle lens means that you won't just be able to take portraits of yourself but there will also be room for a friend too!"

As it stands, it would seem as if Nokia put a lot of work into the Lumia 720 imaging taking abilities, let's hope the handset is able to live up to the hype in real world testing.

Have a look at some of the sample images below:

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