While Galaxy Note owners will get an early Jelly Bean update, Nexus 7 users will have to wait a little longer for the Android 4.2 upgrade.

The Google Nexus 7 already ships with Android Jelly Bean, but version 4.1. As Google is preparing to unleash its Nexus 4 smartphone with Android 4.2 out of the box, many consumers assumed that the Nexus 7 would also be receiving the latest Android version around the same time, especially since it is a Google-branded Nexus device.

The Android 4.2 update for the Google Nexus 7, however, has been delayed, and Asus points at Google for the delay. Google originally said the 4.2 version would be available on Oct. 29, but nearly one week into November the update has still not arrived.

"We're still waiting on Google for the update," said Asus, blaming the search giant. "We haven't put out an official statement as it is a software issue rather than hardware." Google has not yet commented on the delay, but Asus said the Android 4.2 update "is expected shortly."

The latest version of Google's Android mobile operating system for phones and tablets in Jelly Bean, and version 4.2 is the latest update to Jelly Bean. The latest version makes its debut on the LG-made Google Nexus 4 smartphone and the Nexus 10 tablet made by Samsung.

The latest version of Android, also called Jelly Bean, brings a set of new features to the software, including Photo Sphere, user accounts, a Swype-style keyboard, and a number of other minor improvements.

The Photo Sphere feature is designed to create super-panoramic photos that go all the way around. While a normal panoramic photo shows just what lays in front of the photographer, the Photo Sphere allows the user to spin around and see what was behind, below, or even above the photographer.

The Nexus 7 is also expected to include the new user accounts feature found on the Nexus 10 tablet, although the Nexus 4 smartphone lacks this feature. As the name suggests, user accounts allows owners to create multiple accounts, controlling access to private data or applications.

No definitive date has been set so far for when the Nexus 7 will get the Android 4.2 Jelly Bean update, but a report by The Christian Post states that it will arrive by the middle of November.

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