On Monday, Oct. 22, LG India's head of mobile product planning, Amit Gujral, shed some light on Google's plans. Gujral revealed that LG Nexus is the device that Google will unveil in a media event scheduled on Oct. 29 in New York.

In an interview with IBN Live, Gujral also revealed some specification and feature details of the device. He also shed some light on LG's plans to release the device in India.

"Google will unveil the LG Nexus on October 29 and the phone will be available in the Indian markets by the end of November," said Gujral.

The LG Nexus 4 features a 4.7-inch display and runs on a 1.5GHz quad-core processor, which is likely a Snapdragon S4 Pro by Qualcomm. In addition, the Nexus 4 will bring the highly-rumored Android 4.2 Key Lime Pie to life.

Gujral did not reveal any other specifications, but there are plenty of rumors on the device. Incidentally, the specifications that Gujral confirmed are in keeping with the rumors that have surfaced on the Internet. According to rumors, the device will boast 2GB of RAM, 16GB of storage, an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera, and a non-removable battery.

Till now, multiple OEMs were rumored to be working on the Nexus phone, including HTC and Sony. However, it looks like LG cracked the deal. Undoubtedly, the best-selling point of the device will be the newer version of Android.

Based on available information, Key Lime Pie cannot be called a major overhaul over Jelly Bean; however, it will bring several security enhancements to make Android OS a bit secure.

The leaked Android 4.2 Alpha code, obtained by Android Police, reveals new Android 4.2 features like the SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) kernel add-on that secures confidential user data against force access by apps. Some other new features are VPN lockdown, or always-on VPN, and a new security feature to block outgoing spam messages without a user's approval.

Android OS is considered one of the least secure mobile operating system. Spamware and malicious apps are on a rise. However, it looks like that Google has found a solution to deal with the problems.

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