Steve Wozniak, one of Apple's co-founders, may not be taking part in the day-to-day happenings at the company any more, but he still does not shy away from making his voice heard. According to Wozniak, Apple should consider making iTunes available for Android devices, just as it did with Windows.

"If you remember, we ported iTunes to Windows. We now addressed 100% of the world's market with this integrated system (iPod/iTunes) and it began the era of Apple that we are now in. So why don't we port iTunes to Android? Did something get closed up? I love Apple products and iTunes and wish it were on my Android products too," Wozniak said

With the battle between Apple and Google are in at the moment, Apple may not be willing to support the Android ecosystem with an iTunes application. Then again, by doing so, Apple could potentially increase the iTunes user base substantially. The iTunes music store did not completely take off until Apple chose to support Windows, so to stay relevant, the company might to give Android a shot.

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