Recently, Nokia unveiled its flagship Windows Phone 8 (WP8)-powered smartphones, Lumia 920 and Lumia 820, which are scheduled to be released in November of this year. AT&T Inc., the second-largest U.S. wireless carrier, confirmed in a press release on Oct. 4 that the latest Nokia offering will be exclusively available on AT&T.
The Lumia 920 and the Lumia 820 are among the first WP8 handstets, which will hit the shelves soon. Smartphone enthusiasts will be keen to lay their hands on the latest device running on Microsoft's latest operating system.
"Exclusive to our customers and featuring unique innovations in imaging technology, wireless charging and a bright, sensitive display - all on the nation's largest 4G network - the Lumia 920 will be one of the hottest phones for the holidays," said Jeff Bradley, senior vice president, Devices and Developer Services, AT&T Mobility.
The Lumia 920 has high-end features, whereas the Lumia 820 is slated to be an entry-level Nokia WP8 smartphone. With both smartphones available exclusively on AT&T, consumers on other popular carriers will only have the option to switch network operators if they want to use the latest Lumia 920 and Lumia 820.
"We welcome AT&T's decision to offer the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820, which, when added to what we've witnessed in other markets, underscores the momentum behind our Lumia devices and the broader Windows ecosystem," said Olivier Puech, President of Nokia Americas. Puech further added "Our continued collaboration with AT&T is an important component for Nokia's success in the U.S. market."
Currently, smartphones from rivals like Apple, Samsung, HTC, et al are available from more than one carrier in the U.S. With Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 available on only one carrier, Nokia may not be able to expand its reach and penetrate deep into the smartphone market.
"If you want to win market share in this business, as an original equipment manufacturer, you have to be able to forge multiple deals with multiple carriers for the same device," said Julian Blin, an analyst at Infonetics.
In the long run, it remains to be seen whether Nokia can remain in the smartphone race by banking on only one carrier, or if the company changes course and opts for more carrier in the near future.
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