Last February at the Mobile World Congress, Samsung announced the Galaxy Book debut together with Galaxy Tab S3, which is powered by Android. It said to be a direct counter for Surface Pro line of Microsoft. At a glance, with its snap-on keyboard, it looks like an upgraded version Matebook from Huawei.
It has been a while since Samsung fans have waited for the details of this latest device. Dubbed as a power tablet and 2-in 1 device, Galaxy Book is run by Windows 10. On the MWC event, Samsung has not said anything clear about its release date. However, the Korean company announced that the LTE model of this device will be rolled out to Verizon Wireless Stores on April 21 and on May 21, with Wi-Fi versions would be available to all retailers, says Engadget.
According to BGR, the LTE model of Galaxy Book will have a 12-inch size with a price of $1,300 and can only be bought at Verizon, while Wi-Fi version pre-orders will start on April 21, the 12-inch device will cost $1,130 and the 10.6-inch device at $630. Selected retailers will offer a silver-colored variant and Best Buy will just exclusively sell a black Galaxy Book.
Customers might ask why the huge price gap between the 10.6 inch and the 12 inch, it is because the two devices differ a lot when it comes to specs and features. The bigger device features a Super AMOLED panel, powered by Core i5 processor and having an 8GB RAM with 256GB internal storage, packed with 39.04Wh battery, reported GSM Arena.
Meanwhile, the 10.6 inch Book is a lower end device, powered by a Core m3 processor, having 4GB RAM and packed with 30.4Wh battery. Pre-orders of Samsung Galaxy Book are now available at the official website of the company as well as some selected retail stores like Best Buy.
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