Mini PCs have become increasingly popular, and a number of competing gadgets have invaded the market. Kimdecent joins the chorus with its latest Android mini PC, a USB thumb drive-sized PC-on-a-stick. Called the Kimdecent Droid Stick T10, this tiny computer packs a dual core ARM Cortex-A9 processor, 1GB of RAM, 8GB of built-in storage, and the very latest version of Google's popular Android.

While the Kimdecent Droid Stick T10 is not the first Android mini PC to hit the market, or even the first one to feature a Rockchip RK3066 processor, it is the first RK3066 model to ship with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Kimdecent's mini PC comes with a $72 price tag, and is available from AliExpress.

The Droid Stick T10 also packs ARM Mali 400 graphics, and comes with a full-sized USB 2.0 port, 2 mini USB ports, a micro SD card slot for expandable memory, an HDMI port for connecting to a larger display, as well as a keyboard, mouse, remote control dongle, and other peripherals to run Android apps on a monitor or TV. It also supports Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n.

The mini PC is also loaded with the Google Play Store, as expected. According to the spec sheet, the Kimdecent Droid Stick T10 is also fully capable of running Adobe Flash Player 11, although Adobe does not officially support Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

However, Rockchip does not officially provide support for Linux, which means fully functional versions of Ubuntu, Fedora, or other desktop Linux operating systems are not likely to be ported anytime soon to the Droid Stock T10. Users who want Linux can resort to unofficial Ubuntu ports and other Linux sources. Otherwise, mini PCs such as the popular ML802 may be a better alternative for Linux enthusiasts.

With so many options on the market, Android fans can also opt for the $69 UG802 mini PC or the $82 Z2C. The UG802 packs a Rockchip RK3066 ARM Cortex-A9 dual-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 4GB of built-in storage, a micro SD card slot, and an integrated HDMI connector. The $82 Z2C mini PC is powered by the same processor, paired with 1GB of RAM, 8GB of storage, and a micro SD card slot.

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