Apple recently launched the Clips Apps for iOS users. The app was unveiled alongside other Apple products including iPhone 7 and 7 Plus RED, the bumped up iPhone SE, the 9.7-inch iPad, iPad mini 4, Apple Watch bands and iPhone 7 silicone and leather cases.
The latest app revealed by the Cupertino-based tech giant is another breakthrough in the app world. Although making a short-type video craft in iPhone is possible, the Apple Clips made it easier. In lay man's term, this app helps the user piece together a refined and enhanced video clip without doing much work. Apple has already introduced Memories videos, which sew together pictures in iOS 10 and produces slideshow videos. There is also the iMovie, although it is not that difficult to master, it entails, however, the task of placing audio tracks and clips on a timeline is challenging and tiring.
How To Make A Video on Clips
To make the latest Apple Clips work is as simple as making a video on Instagram. First, hold the record button to get your desired footage. After that, let go of the capture button. You can repeat this process as much as you want. When you got all the video that you need, simply drag the clips in your desired sequence. You can flesh out your mini films with pictures, filters, emojis, titles and animated icons, says Engadget.
How To Make Short Captioned Videos
Making this kind of video is so simple with the latest Apple Clips. First, you need to select the appearance of the text that you want to see on-screen. The next step is for you to Speak. After that, the Clips app automatically transcribes and time codes your words. This way, the text pops up in the video the instance you utter them
The Apple Clips app will be available in April. It will run on iPhone 5s and latest models. This can also be used with the iPad Air and other recent Apple tablets running on iOS 10.3
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