AMD just recently obliterated Intel with the release of its top of the line Ryzen 7 processors. The chips themselves cost significantly less that Intel's Core i7 offerings and beat them at several benchmarking tests. However, AMD has now apparently set its sights on the mid-end market as they have now officially announced their AMD Ryzen 5 line of processors.
According to The Verge, the new AMD Ryzen 5 processors will be directly competing with Intel's mid-range models, namely the highly popular Core i5 line. The processors are poised to take down Intel's dominance in the mid-end processor market and slowly chip away at their huge market share, which they have been holding for the good part of a decade.
AMD officially unveiled four new models of their Ryzen 5 line, which includes the Ryzen 5 1400, the Ryzen 5 1500X, the Ryzen 5 1600, and the Ryzen 5 1600X. The cheapest of the bunch, at just $169, is the Ryzen 5 1400, which has four cores and eight threads running at 3.2 GHz base and 3.4 GHz boost. Next up is the $189 Ryzen 5 1500X, which also has four cores and eight threads, but with a slightly higher 3.5 GHz base and 3.7 GHz boost speeds.
The Ryzen 5 1600 is priced at $219 and is equipped with six cores and 12 threads. The CPUs will be humming at 3.2 GHz base and 3.6 GHz when boosted. Lastly, there is the top variant Ryzen 5 1600X, priced at $249. The CPU also has six cores and 12 threads, but with a slightly higher 3.6 GHz base and 4.0 GHz boost speed.
As reported by AnandTech, the prices for the new Ryzen 5 chips don't really differ that much from the current Intel Core i5 chips. However, the Ryzen chips do offer better hardware with their six cores and 12 threads compared to the four cores and four threads from Intel. It has yet to be seen if the new AMD chips would exceed Intel's when it comes to performance. That should become very clear when benchmarking test results start to come out next month.
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