The latest installment in "The Legend of Zelda" video game series, "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild," is now garnering rave reviews from both critics and gamers alike. However, there is still one burning question on a lot of gamers minds, and that is whether the game is better played on the Wii U or the recently released Nintendo Switch.

The latest "Zelda" game was originally meant to be a Nintendo Wii U exclusive when it was first announced, but the company made a surprise announcement of a Nintendo Switch version of the game. In regards to content, both gaming systems will be showcasing the same basic game with no extra missions or content made exclusive for either consoles.

The game is also capped at 30 frames per second on both systems. The Nintendo Switch's dock mode, which outputs a 900p resolution, is somewhat a letdown. Playing the game undocked is still preferred by most as it outputs a more stable 720p video as compared to when it is docked.

The difference between both versions of the game is actually quite subtle. Obviously, some of the prompts concerning the controls and buttons will be different. This includes on-screen instructions for controls and tutorials. When it comes to performance, both versions of "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" run relatively the same and even looks the same to most players.

The Nintendo Switch, however, has some improved texture filters, but according to Eurogamer, the improvement is really negligible. Most players will likely not even notice the improvements unless they really look closely at the screen.

The Nintendo Switch version also offers some improved sound elements, such as footsteps, running waters, and other ambient sounds. However, similar to the texture filtering, the changes are barely noticeable, even with high-end audio systems.

For gamers who already own a Nintendo Wii U console, purchasing a Nintendo Switch to play "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" is not really suggested. However, for those who value portability and the ability to play the latest Nintendo Switch titles, purchasing the latest console would still make a lot of sense.

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