Nokia announced its Lumia 920 smartphone on Wednesday to a strong critical reception. The device takes advantage of new Windows Phone 8 features like multi-core processors and high definition screens; it is also the flagship Windows Phone 8 smartphone. Tech website The Verge lamented why a cyan version of the smartphone was not arriving despite the range of colors. A Nokia representative said cyan "might" accompany Nokia's Lumia 920, speaking to The Verge.

A new trailer for the smartphone hints at a cyan color. The video (below) advertises the World of Red Bull App, exclusively for Lumia 920s. The app allows users to watch various sportsmen and news relating to the athletes and sports. The app also allows users to look up event locations and dates. Video of athletes can be sent to Facebook and/or Twitter, along with a message.

Around the 38 second mark, the phone flashes very quickly from yellow to cyan; the video accompanies pictures of an apparent cyan Lumia 920, though it was then unconfirmed.

Windows Phone 8's launch remains to be announced.

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