Last August, Microsoft said that two major updates were coming to its Windows 10 operating system but didn't disclose any details. However, during the company's Ignite conference in Australia, the company confirmed that two software upgrades are coming in 2017, according to Independent.
Microsoft has been working on a significantly different looking interface known as Project Neon that would likely be released on the second update. The update will ditch window borders and the title bar, alter the appearance of minimize, restore/maximize and close button and might remove all colors from the task bar. In addition, several stylistic improvements will be offered including boosted animations. The company already made the new tools available to developers to assist them in creating new and beautiful apps.
Meanwhile, Express reported that the Windows 10 Creators Update is set to be revealed in April that will offer several media-friendly additions to the software such as improvements to 3D capabilities, security and gaming.
Moreover, the company hasn't fared well particularly on the mobile side of the market. Windows 10 Mobile only accounted for 0.3% of the devices sold and was forced to drop its target to have one billion devices running on Windows 10 by 2018. Yusuf Mehdi, marketing chief, stated that due to the focusing of their phone hardware business, it will take longer than Fiscal Year 2018 for them to reach the goal of one billion monthly active devices. The company added that it needs several years to achieve the goal.
More details about the update are expected to be announced at the Microsoft's Build conference in May.
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