Samsung launched the Galaxy Note 2, its follow-up to the original Note, at the IFA in Berlin last month. Rumors have suggested that the hotly-anticipated Note 2 phablet will be heading to major U.S. carriers like AT&T and Sprint. Recently, a leaked screenshot has surfaced, suggesting that the Samsung phablet is also headed for Verizon Wireless.

The leaked screenshot, labeled "SCH-1605", is courtesy a reliable Brief Mobile source and tallies with known Galaxy Note 2 model numbers.

"Samsung's Galaxy Note 2 is coming to Verizon, according to a reputable source who handed us the following screenshot from the device. With model number SCH-I605, the device will be Samsung's first multi-carrier release of the Note," stated the Brief Mobile report.

The source also asserted that Verizon's version of the Note 2 will feature a quad-core Exynos processor and support 4G LTE connectivity. Appearance wise, the Note 2 will "look identical to the international model, but have Verizon badging all over." Apparently, even the phablet's home button will sport Verizon branding.

Additionally, according to TechnoBuffalo, the phablet will also make its way to carriers like T-Mobile, Bell, and U.S. Cellular. In the past, the original Galaxy Note was only available on AT&T.

The authenticity of the alleged screenshots is circumspect and naysayers are of the opinion that they could have easily been concocted. Brief Mobile acknowledged the same and provided additional evidence to validate its claims.

"We know screenshots can be difficult to believe. To further support our assertion that the Verizon Note 2 is real, we dug up some cached handset detection archives showing off the device with the same build number," stated Brief Mobile.

In addition to the "dug up" information via Handset Detection, the site also supported its assertions with a photo stream of Flickr images, which it claims are uploaded from the SCH-1605 model. The image details seem to corroborate the site's assertions and read "This photo was taken on August 25, 2012 using a Samsung SCH-I605."

Details of when the Galaxy Note 2 will be announced on Verizon are not available.

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