"One Piece" Episode 777 introduces the new arc for the animated series. In the episode, "To the Reverie - Princess Vivi and Princess Shirahoshi," the show comes off with a mix of politics. All the leaders across the planet have gathered to meet at the quadrennial Reverie. In the said episode, every hot shot pirate and ex-pirate have been presented leading to a new arc, focusing on these two famed princesses, Vivi and Shirahoshi.

In "One Piece" Episode 777, Alabasta's Princess Vivi bade goodbye to her kingdom as she sends herself on a journey to the Reverie. She sailed with Carue, Cobra and some of her loyal followers. She then recalled her days as a pirate with the Straw Hats. She remembers Luffy rescued her from the Crocodile and how she said her farewell to the Straw Hats when she decided to remain a princess in Alabasta.

Stelly also plans to join the gathering at the Reverie in "One Piece" Episode 777. As a ruler of the Goa Kingdom after marrying Sarie Nantokanette, he stayed in Goa at a Loguetown inn. He learned that the Kano Country ruler also intends to join the meeting even with the absence of the Chinjaos. Shirahoshi is presently at the Fishman Island and despite her fear to attend the meeting at the Reverie, her brothers pushed her to go.

Princess Shirahoshi also remembered that Luffy told her he would take her father to the event by himself. Her brothers persuaded her telling Shirahoshi she has nothing to afraid of. They needed to go to Luffy to tell him that they have sufficient signatures so that fishmen and humans can co-exist.

"One Piece" Episode 777 seems like it will be a clip show as reported by Anime News Network. Several scenes in the past were montaged with new ones to keep everyone thrilled for the Reverie. The episode gives off a political vibe as three of the biggest kingdoms unite to deal with several issues connecting the humans and fishmen.

For the next episode, Luffy is on the Thousand Sunny along with his crew. They still recover from the jump off the giant elephant. Then, Carrot suddenly jumps in action and takes over Nami's job since she is ill. No one knows how she got there. "One Piece" episode 778 will be entitled, "To the Reverie - Rebecca and the Sakura Kingdom" will welcome more kingdom rulers going to the Reverie. Carrot's presence in Luffy's ship will hopefully be answered as they make their way to Whole Cake Island. "One Piece" Episode 778 will air on February 26th.

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