"Tokyo Ghoul" action-horror anime is one of Japan's most popular shows gaining international audience and it is scheduled to return later this year when a live-action adaptation hits cinemas overseas but fans are concerned over the sudden retirement of one of its female stars Fumika Shimizu. However, it appears that this isn't the only ordeal of the anime as another update has been leaked that a sequel is underway although the movie has not been released.
Sources say that Japan's Daily Sport has reported that a live-action sequel is already in development where Shimizu was negotiated to star in the sequel as its female lead although it has been clearly ended as the actress has finally retired. Additionally, "Tokyo Ghoul" film's studio remains silent about the casting although it has released a statement on Twitter.
Crunchyroll translated the studio's statement and it has apologized for causing fans anxiety for the live-action "Tokyo Ghoul" film's different reports about the cast and that it is currently looking into it. "In regard to the future, we will keep watching closely how the situation develops and discuss with the parties concerned," according to the studio and also added that its latest announcements will be released soon.
In other "Tokyo Ghoul" news, the manga series' author Sui Ishida posted an illustration of Fumika Shimizu's character Touka Kirishima in the film alongside a mysterious line that reads "I trust your message" and the tweet's title shows "The O.K. Corral 1." According to a report, before Ishida posted the Touka art, he retweeted Japanese journalist Go Yoshida's post and said that when a problem takes place, most people tends to judge it as ‘Which is right?' but he believes that there are instances that both are correct or at times, both are wrong.
"Tokyo Ghoul" live-action film's website says that the movie is still scheduled to release in Japan on July 29. There are no words yet on possible reshoots of other actress.
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