After winning a $1 billion patent suit against Samsung Electronics, Apple is not finished with its rival. In a separate course with the same court, Apple has filed an amended complaint adding the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note to the list of Samsung devices that it claims infringe its intellectual property.

As Apple Insider first reported, Apple made the filing on Friday, Aug. 31, amending a complaint first made in in February, which charged 17 Samsung devices with violating utility patents Apple owned. The Galaxy Nexus smartphone was among the devices on that blacklist, and the San Jose, California court where the complaint was filed granted the ban. The Galaxy Nexus ban has since been temporarily lifted through an appeal before a Washington, D.C. court.

"Infringing Samsung products include at least 21 new smartphones, media players, and tablets that Samsung has released beginning in August 2011 and continuing through August 2012," Apple wrote in the amended complaint on Friday. The Cupertino, California tech giant now lists the Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy Note smartphones, as well as the Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet, among other Samsung products.

According to Reuters, however, sources said that Google CEO Larry Page and Apple CEO Tim Cook have been engaged in talks about "a range of intellectual property matters, including the mobile patent disputes between the companies." The sources further told Reuters that the executives had a phone conversation last week, and lower-level discussions are also ongoing.

Page and Cook are reportedly due to discuss the matter again in the coming weeks, but have set no firm date yet. One of Reuter's sources said a meeting was set for this Friday, Aug. 31, but has been delayed for reasons which remain unclear at this point. Nevertheless, "the two companies are keeping lines of communication open at a high level."

One of the sources also told Reuters that one possible scenario could be a truce over basic functions and features in Google's Android mobile operating system. It remains unclear, however, whether the two executives were discussing a broad settlement over the many disputes between Apple and Samsung, or are focused on a more limited set of issues. The conversation Page and Cook had last week did not result in any formal agreement, but the executives agreed to continue negotiating, added one of Reuters' sources.

Both companies have declined to comment on any ongoing discussions.

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