At IFA conference, Wednesday, Sony took the lid off its newest Android tablet, the Sony Xperia Tablet S. The device, when compared to previous Android based tablets from Sony, is thinner and sexier and quite the powerhouse. The tablet sports a Quad Core Tegra 3 chip, 10-inch display, Android 4.0, up to 64GB of storage along with a microSD card slot for additional storage for those people who can fill up a 64GB drive in a matter of minutes.

The Sony Xperia Tablet S will ship with Android Ice Cream Sandwich; however, the company promises that an update to Jelly Bean is in the pipleline, and will make it to the device as soon as built-in apps are optimized for the new operating system.

Sony has packaged the Xperia Tablet S with quite a few number of apps. For starters, there is the Sony Music and Video Unlimited app where users have the option to buy entertainment content from Sony. There is also an all new Watch Now app that allows the user to view live TV via a cable subscription. The company offers 5GB free space via its cloud online storage service, Play Memories, a place to store all those pictures you took of yourself.

Come September 7, 2012, consumers who are interested in the Sony Xperia Tablet S device can get in line and purchase it at the starting price of $400 for the 16GB model. The 32 and 64GB models will cost $500 and $600 respectively. So start saving, September 7 is not far away.

Want accessories? Worry not, Sony has got you covered. The company took page out of Microsoft book by offering a keyboard very similar to the one offered with Surface tablet. However, it will set you back an extra $100, ouch.

Other specs of the Sony Xperia Tablet S includes a 6,000mAH battery, which Sony promises, will give users up to 10 hours of juice. There is also a front-facing camera for video calling. However, the megapixel count on this thing is not yet known.

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