"Dragon Age" is a gaming franchise that was created by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. It is a role-playing game and the first edition was released in November 2009. It was followed by "Dragon Age: Origins" and later, the "Dragon Age II" was released in March 2011. Thereafter, we also saw the release of "Dragon Age: Inquisition" in November 2014.
Since then the company has released no news about the possible sequel to the popular game "Dragon Age". Fans have been rallying for a sequel for a really long time. The game also released 3 prominent spin-offs during this time. These are "Dragon Age Legends"- a strategy RPG similar to "Dragon Age: II". "Dragon Age Journeys" and "Heroes of Dragon Age" also form part of this list. However, these temporary reliefs are not enough to satiate the fans and lovers of the much-hyped game series. Several gaming websites and internet forums are full of questions about the possible and upcoming "Dragon Age 4".
The patience is also perfectly explanatory. Electronic Arts refuses to release or even discuss any kind of information. Even the release date of "Dragon Age 4" has not been clarified by the developers or publishers alike. They refuse to make comments about the updates of the game or what it has to offer. Fans can only hazard a guess about the offered upgrades based on the comments and wishes of the prospective players.
"There were features missing from the previous games I'd like to see back," mused a die-hard fan of the series on an internet gaming community. The developers may be paying heed to such random comments and wishes and may implement them in "Dragon Age 4". They may even decide to bring back the option that enables gamers to position their respective groups in the game properly.
Hopefully "Dragon Age 4" will be released within the next one or two years. Keep browsing MobileNApps for more "Dragon Age 4" news and updates.
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