Google's new Nexus 7 continues its conquest of the European tablet market, as the widely favored Android tablet is finally widening its reach and becoming available in more European countries. The 7-inch slate running on Google's latest Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is now available in France, Germany, and Spain, via Google's online storefront.

Until now, the Jelly Bean slate had been limited to the U.S., Canada, the UK, and Australia, and early demand following the tablet's debut at Google I/O 2012 was so overwhelming that online orders took weeks to arrive. Google has since addressed the shortage issues, and orders are shipped in due time.

The Google Nexus 7 now available in France, Germany, and Spain comes with a €199 price tag for the 8GB model and €249 for the 16GB model. Taking conversion rates into account, this means that European customers will be paying a bit more for the slate than U.S. customers do, but this is a common practice for foreign releases. The 8GB model is still sold as a Google exclusive, with third-party retailers able to sell only the 16GB version.

Unfortunately for the lucky three European countries to get Google's Nexus 7, Play Magazines and Play Music are still U.S.-bound; however, Play Movies and Play Books are currently available for all three of the new countries. Since the device is largely intended as a portal to cloud services and Google Play Store content, having a large chunk of content unavailable may seem counterproductive. Google has not offered any official launch timescale for those services to become available outside the U.S.

Google's Nexus 7 is currently one of the hottest Android tablets available on the market, as it offers some impressive specifications for such a low price tag. Meanwhile, Google's biggest rival in the 7-inch tablet market is Amazon's Kindle Fire slate, which is available only in the U.S. Amazon is also expected to release the next-generation Kindle Fire in early September, while Apple is rumored to join the 7-inch game with an iPad Mini to debut in October.

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