"For Honor" open beta starts February 9 until the 12th on PC, Xbox One and PS4, until it's officially available on February 14, according to reports. In response to some of the most abused tactics in the closed beta, a number of balance changes are being made.

Several "For Honor" Key Heroes Rebalanced

Although it's not a comprehensive list of changes, it's evident that several alterations are applied to key heroes on "For Honor" like Orochi, the Peackeeper, Warlord and Kensei. The Nobushi was also discoursed as received nerfs but has not been tried yet, according to streamer HandheldBrandon, who played the beta build recently.

HandheldBrandon revealed on Reddit that the Warlord was seen with Headsplitter leap range reduced from 4m to 3.5m. Headsplitter leap stamina damage was reduced to 20m from 40m. Also, the Full Block Stance entry stamina cost increased from 5 to 15, while Headbutt can no longer be cancelled into guardbreak.

More Buffs And Nerfs

On Kensei's part, there is reportedly an increased HP from 115 to 125. His light attack damage increased to 20 from 15, as well, while his swift strike saw an increase in damage from 15 to 20. Kensei's bug was fixed on side dash, where one could go into the top heavy after dash. Likewise, Helmsplitter (forward dash attack) damage increased to 20, from 15.

As for Peacekeeper players, take note that Zone attack range has been reduced from 4.3. to 3.5m, and Bleed damage on stabs has also gone down. Moreover, Orochi's attack indicator is now visible during the run part of Storm Rush. There's also a Fixed Storm Rush stamina penalty on Parry, shares GamingBolt.

More about Ubisoft's "For Honor" changes and adjustments will be revealed as the open beta unfolds. For now, we will keep everyone posted for more updates.

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