Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Micro Devices Lisa Su has finally confirmed the launch of two of AMD's most anticipated hardware. According to reports, the AMD Ryzen is expected to be released on or before March 3 this year. The AMD Vega GPUs are expected to arrive in the second quarter of 2017, with June as the most plausible launch.

AMD Vega GPUs. According to The Bit Bag, SK Hynix recent update to their product catalog has pretty much confirmed that ADM Vega 10 graphic cards will be using HBM2 VRAM. Given that AMD and SK Hynix's partnership has proven beneficial for both ever since 2015, it seems reasonable that they'd work together to forget the world's first HBM-powered graphics card.

According to iTech Post, CEO Lisa Su revealed the AMD Vega GPUs would be arriving by the second quarter of 2017. Reports point at a June launch, but no specific month has been confirmed. Needless to say the AMD Vega is highly anticipated since it's supposedly set to surpass the powerful Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080.

AMD Ryzen Release Date. According to Forbes, we can expect the AMD Ryzen CPUs to drop sometime around early March. Su evidently revealed the release date while answering questions in an earnings call this week. iTech Post lists the date as March 3, citing the same earnings call that happened Tuesday afternoon.

Su also mentioned widespread accessibility for the Ryzen from day one, Forbes reports, which may do well to boost first-day sales. AMD has suffered hampered sales in the past due to limited availability during releases.

According to reports, the first to receive the Ryzen chips and system integrators will be channel vendors and the like. Other traditional hardware sellers like Dell will be second in line, but thankfully won't have to wait for too long.

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