Apple is reportedly planning to launch an upgraded MacBook Pro later in 2017 that may feature a new Apple-designed chip for lower power consumption. Apple already designs its primary application processors in its iPhones and tablets. This gives Apple a clear advantage over others as its devices boast of better performance than other Android devices. Apple's move should not be considered as an end of partnership with Intel, the company that supplies the chipsets for Macs.
According to Business Insider Australia, Apple will be using its expertise in designing iPhone chips to develop chips for an upcoming MacBook Pro. It could also add more Apple-designed silicon to its Macs. The Cupertino-giant will continue its partnership with Intel though a new Apple-manufactured chip may show up in a MacBook Pro, to be released later this year. The Apple chip has been codenamed T310 and it will be based on the processor currently embedded in the MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar.
It is used for the device's Touch Bar technology as well as Touch ID. According to a report on Bloomberg, the new Apple ARM-based processor in the upcoming Apple MacBook Pro will run the device's low-power mode, known as Power Nap, to fetch emails and other data while the computer is asleep. This will lead to better battery life and lower power consumption. Apple has also stated earlier that many of the complaints about its latest laptops were due to Intel chip limitations. Apple is also suing Qualcomm, its primary mobile silicon partner, for $1 billion.
Apple is also reportedly working on a new iMac with multi-functional USB-C connectivity and on a faster version of the 12-inch MacBook. By building its own processors, it will be easier for Apple to seamless integrate its hardware and software functions. The upcoming Apple MacBook Pro is expected to set a standard for design and component improvements. It may start a new technology trend.
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