"Sherlock" Season 5 remains an uncertainty after the BBC drama aired its third and final episode for Season 4. In recent statements, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and series creator Steven Moffat share their thoughts on the show's possible renewal for series 5. Will there be a new series or is series 4 the last one?
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the future of "Sherlock" after it aired its finale episode for Season 4. It is a known fact that the BBC series stars a handful of A-list actors, including Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, which makes it a bit difficult to gather the cast for another season.
At a recent screening, series creator Steven Moffat spoke about the future of the show and whether "Sherlock" Season 5 is still possible, reports Independent. According to the showrunner, he does not want the show to end, but it may be possible given that the BBC drama ended without a great cliffhanger unlike the previous seasons.
Cumberbatch, on the other hand, expressed interest in reprising his role should BBC renew the series for "Sherlock" Season 5. However, the actor admitted that their busy schedules are making it difficult for them to do another season.
Freeman requested fans and viewers to sit back and enjoy watching "Sherlock" Season 4 before asking for the next season. In an interview with stuff.co.nz, Moffat also seems to have a lot of ideas in mind should the network renew the show for series 5.
Moffat explained that there are a lot of villains to be featured in the upcoming seasons of "Sherlock." He also shared the process of creating the storyline for the show with Mark Gatiss by traveling to a foreign land and choosing Toby Jones for the role of Culverton Smith.
Should "Sherlock" Season 5 happen or were you satisfied with the Season 4 finale? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
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