On Wednesday, Pinterest launched a major update across iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. User experiences on the smartphone and tablet versions of the Pinterest app are quite different. These are the update's major features:

The iPad version works in landscape mode, which adds an additional column for pins rather than rotating the app. A menu, similar to the charms bar in Windows 8, slides out from the left with various options including search and a list of 18 categories. For Sparrow or Facebook for iOS users, this may look very familiar.

The app features a news icon in the top right-hand corner. Users can select categories from a navigation menu. At the bottom of the page, users can click their username to view their profiles. The settings icon is nearby.

Tap on a pin and it will go full screen, with options to like and re-pin. Pins can be closed by tapping the "X" button in the upper right-hand corner of the pin, or by tapping outside of it.

As pins are explored, previous pins are overlapped. The update allows swiping between pins, rather than tapping to close continually, similar to how Cards worked in webOS.

For iPads, the app also offers an in-app browser. It allows users to see the origin of the pin and includes a "Pin it" button for use on other sites, so users can choose an image and enter a description. Users also have the option to view pins from a single domain.

"We were listening, and our custom-designed Android app makes it simple and fast to pin, of that the time you spend on Pinterest is as productive as possible," Pinterest said on its blog. The post cited features including the ability to swipe between browsers and in the in-app browser.

Overall, the new update seems to bring functionality and design, especially for the iPad app. Pinterest for iOS and Android is available now.

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