Players who were lucky to get a look at the "Horizon Zero Dawn" demo has a lot to suggest to would-be counterparts. While Guerilla Games ensured that no spoilers will leak by choosing scenes for the demo and making everything "incoherent," those with sharp memories managed to list a few interesting activities that players can do once the game releases.

To start with, demo players already stitched the arcs together to create an educated guess about the storyline. "Horizon Zero Dawn" character, Aloy, embarks in her adventure at an early age with her guardian Rost. There are references to a situation where Aloy and Rost live separately because of being outcasts.

Fast forward to years after Aloy's childhood, she will set foot on an epic journey to become a hunter and sometimes, hunted. She will peek through the ruins on an ancient high-tech civilization that left the menacing monolith robots roaming free with millions of people dead, Polygon reported.

Admittedly, "Horizon Zero Dawn" managed to keep the rest close in their chest, the fate of Aloy included. The latter part of the demo is teeming with intrigue, lingering questions and mysteries that only its release date can answer.

PlayStation blog described the whole affair as the developer's attempt to hide narratives by submerging demo players into the vastness and beauty of "Horizon Zero Dawn's" open world. Sadly, Guerilla Games succeeded in hiding their biggest asset - the storyline.

Gamers have also discovered that Tallnecks, Thunderjaws and Watchers are just a few of the robotic beasts, and there are other kinds that are equally menacing and fearsome as these iconic monsters.

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