"Dragon Ball Super" Universal Survival episodes are set to be released to the public. On February 5th, the Universal Survival arc will be out. In addition, the V-Jump Magazine further provided a teaser to fans and viewers alike on the appearance of the Survival Stadium.
"Dragon Ball Super" Episode 77 will definitely be a blast as the "Universal Survival" arc will finally be revealed. Fans have never been shy about showing excitement over the Universal Survival act prior to its release on the small screen. Comicbook.com has reported that Akira Toriyama of V-Jump Magazine already made available the artwork from the forthcoming saga. It has been noted from sources that Toriyama's opus reveals the appearance of the Universal Survival arena, especially the details attending it.
Rumors have also circulated online that Survival Stadium area is set to have an uncanny appearance. This is due to the fact that in lieu of venue situated on a planet, the arena will, instead, be a "floating spinning top in the middle of space." Moreover, benches for the tournament's spectators is also set to have an odd appearance. Aside from these, the Omni-King's throne will also be floating in mid-air. This appearance allows the king to watch the battles from a more strategic vantage point.
It has also been reported that the series also released a new "Dragon Ball Super" trailer. This trailer is an extended version of the original and reveals the battles of Vegeta and Goku against some unknown opponents. The trailer also hinted that Goku is set to face an "enormous warrior from a stranger universe." What is certain is that the Saiyan will also be featured on a one-on-one battle with a warrior that has for its appearance that which is reminiscent of an earth wolf.
Aside from those, "Dragon Ball Super" fans are in for a treat when they see "Tenshinhan, Chaozu, Master Roshi, Krillin, and Android 18" in the upcoming series. While there will be battles in the episodes, not all of them will feature battles and showdowns. Viewers will also see another side of some of the characters, particularly Gohan and Videl's newest baby, and their family life ahead of them.
Fans have been waiting for "Dragon Ball Super" Universal Survival Saga with keen anticipation even prior to its announcement. Aside from what has already been mentioned, rumors also have it that the current franchise will feature the most action-packed episodes the saga has ever produced. Current episodes of the show are still aired on Crunchyroll on Saturdays, 7:15 in the evening.
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