"High School Musical 4" is officially happening following Disney's announcement that a sequel to the popular franchise is in the works. While the upcoming installment will feature brand new cast members and characters, many fans remain optimistic that Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens will reunite for the said movie.
Fans continue rooting for Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron despite the couple's breakup in 2010 and both stars have already moved on with their lives. However, Hudgens' recent reunion with former "HSM" co-star, Ashley Tisdale, is once again sparking hope among fans for a "Troyella" and "Zanessa" reunion.
In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Hudgens admitted that she might be a little too busy working on her upcoming show, "Powerless" to do another collaboration with Tisdale. However, she was open to doing more videos with her "High School Musical" co-star in the future.
The actress also shared her Valentine's Day plans with her longtime boyfriend, Austin Butler. According to Hudgens, they might not be able to spend Valentine's Day together because Butler will be in New Zealand to film his show.
Despite the fact that Hudgens has already moved on to different projects and onto a new relationship, many fans remain optimistic that she will reunite with Efron for "High School Musical 4." As Romper stated previously, many fans were against Disney's decision to create a sequel featuring an entirely different cast.
Fans expressed that "HSM 4" would be better if Hudgens, Efron and the rest of the original cast would be in it. Some even insisted that the upcoming sequel would be a perfect avenue to hold the "Troyella" wedding that many have been waiting for.
However, both Efron and Hudgens seem to be avoiding each other following their split in 2010. The publication noted that during the "High School Musical" reunion for the 10th anniversary celebration, Efron did not attend the event, which many believe was because of his messy breakup with Hudgens.
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