When it was first announced, the Xiaomi Mi6 made headlines as the very first smartphone manufactured in China to be powered by a Snapdragon 835. Following an excellent 2016 run with models such as the Mi Mix and Mi Note 2, it looks like Xiaomi plans to kick off 2017 with yet another success. This potential flagship model is named the Mi6, and reports say it's already shattered the record in AnTuTu's Benchmarking Test.

Xiaomi Mi6 Beats iPhone 7, Score-wise. AnTuTu is a benchmarking tool that can measure the expected performance of smartphones. The higher the score, the better they'll function.

WCCFTECH posted a screenshot showing the Mi6's score of 210,329. You can see it here. For smartphones to reach these numbers and level of performance, a Snapdragon 835 and minimum 6GB of RAM must be present in the model.

To put things in perspective, the iPhone 7 Plus scored roughly 20,000 points less. Outfitted with 3GB of RAM and Apple's A10 Fusion SoC, the iPhone 7 Plus managed a neat 180,000-point score.

Given that this is a model bearing the famous iPhone name, it's safe to assume that the Xiaomi Mi6 will be a force to be reckoned with. Blasting News reports it as "one of the most advanced mobile devices in its class."

Features and Release Date. While there is no exact confirmed release date for the Xiaomi Mi6, the company plans to hold a press conference on February 6. It's highly possible that the handset will be unveiled then.

However, others suggest an official unveiling during the Mobile World Congress 2017, which runs February 27 to March 2 this year. There is no official announcement to confirm or deny either date.

Information leaks also report that the Xiaomi Mi6 will come in two versions: a 6GB RAM model with 32 or 64GB storage capacity, and a 4GB RAM model with 128 GB storage space. Further rumors give the phone a dual-curved edge display and an extremely highs screen-to-body ratio. More information is expected to be released over the coming weeks.

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