"One Punch Man" is officially getting a second season. An animated series that started as a simple web comic has now developed into a big anime sensation that has received international recognition.
The news about "One Punch Man" Season 2 was confirmed on the Japanese show's Twitter account. Its first season, which had 12 episodes, became hugely popular even in the West - the show was streamed via Hulu and Daisuku. It was even among the animations featured in Adult Swim's Toonami event in July, according to Forbes.
Shortly after it was launched as a web comic, "One Punch Man" was also developed into a manga that was written by Yusuke Murata. The action sequences were captured in frames, which added a kinetic aspect to the story.
It was after its success in its manga version that Madhouse was called in to create an animated re-telling of Saitama's adventures. Taking a page out of Murata's book, Madhouse also utilized key framing.
"One Punch Man" follows the life of Saitama, a hairless man who wants to be a superhero. He can defeat any enemy with just one punch - hence the name - but thinks that such skills is very dull.
Breathecast has pointed out that if "One Punch Man" Season 2 will follow the turn of evens in the web comic, Saitama will be facing the Monster Association soon. This enemy group has 17 members, each of which has a different disaster level - ranging from "Demon" up to "God."
According to the report, Saitama will not find defeating the group easy. That said, it is reportedly highly possible that he will end up losing his "hero status." He may have already fought Lord Boros in "One Punch Man" Season 1, but this particular foe is expected to come back and take revenge for his defeat.
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