Last November, WhatsApp introduced a feature that allows users to send GIF, but the file has to be locally stored in your device. Finally, with the release of the WhatsApp 2.17.6 beta for Android, GIF search is now integrated within the app therefore you won't need third-party apps to search for GIFs, according to a report by Android Authority.

You just have to tap the emoji icon beside the text entry bar and it will show a GIF option at the bottom of the emoji window where you are now able to search Giphy for GIFs by swiping to find the one you want to send in chats, once you select it, just add a caption and send instantly.

The media sharing has also been upgraded. Previously, users are only allowed to send 10 pictures at a time, with the new beta version, that number has been increased to 30 which is very convenient for most users.

If the beta version won't cause any problems for its users, the roll out might follow soon. However, no official announcement has been made for its official release. In addition, your location might be a factor as some reports have stated that not all users running the latest WhatsApp version have access to its new features. If you are interested in downloading the beta version, you will need to register first to become a beta user.

WhatsApp has been getting its new features from Facebook Messenger over the past year; it would be interesting to see what additional features it may get in the near future.

What do you think of the latest WhatsApp beta version? Do you have any more features that you want to see in this app? Write and share your comments down below. You may also subscribe to our newsletter if you want to receive the latest news and updates.

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