"Knee Deep," an episodic crime thriller adventure game from Prologue Games, is coming to PlayStation 4 on January 31 and to Xbox One on February 3. Wales Interactive, the game's publisher, also announced that the full series will cost $14.99.

"Knee Deep" first began rolling out episodes in 2015 before completing the trilogy in 2016. The game is set in a rural part of Florida and revolves around the lives of a group people brought together in the midst of turmoil.

Its gameplay exudes a stageplay-esque type of feel, in attempt to create a unique and controllable environment, which draws the game away from your typical point and click titles. "Experience a magical reality where characters are transported among scenes, set pieces moved into place, and music wafts from the orchestra pit," according to Wales Interactive.

The events in "Knee Deep" started when a washed-up actor hangs himself in the town of Cypress Knee. Blogger Romana Teague, private investigator K.C. Gaddis and local reported Jack Bellet then investigate the mysterious suicide in an attempt to unravel the town's mystery. "Knee Deep is about characters, storytelling, and the melodrama of swampland Florida," the publisher adds.

Based on the game's features list, gamers do not fail in "Knee Deep." The story keeps going until one reaches the end of the game. Gamers are encouraged to use their observation skills, cleverness and deduction to reveal what really happened behind the conspiracy. Gamers' choices will matter throughout the game.

"Knee Deep" gamers will be immersed in the game's amazing visuals, changing color palettes, pools of light and shadow, plus the game's immense backdrop is a sight to behold. There are over 30 characters to meet overall, and all of them are fully voiced, PlayStation Lifestyle reported.

"Knee Deep" is the first title from Prologue Games. For real-time updates, you can follow them on Twitter.

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