Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017 unveiled a lot of highly-anticipated tech and cool new gadgets for the year. Among the line-up was Nyko's Data Bank Pro, an add-on accessory that essentially expands the internal memory of the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro. Third-party gaming accessory manufacturer Nyko describes it as an "essential" addition to the gaming system.

For players who've always found internal storage space to be a bit of a concern with the PS4 system, users have the option to upgrade the HDD capacity. In fact, the PS4 Pro comes with a 1TB and 2TB HDD. This may be enough, but the 2.5" form factor is pretty limiting in terms of reading/writing speed, as Gamechup points out.

The Nyko Data Bank Pro promises to be the solution to this, allowing users to expand the internal memory for their PS4 Slim or PS4 Pro with a 3.5" HDD. Installation is a simple plug-and-play process. The Data Bank Pro comes with a SATA connector and USB cable which connects the device to the PlayStation's hard drive bay.

Despite the brick-like quality, the Nyko Data Bank Pro is a neat accessory that packs both space and speed in it, and users won't need to save a spot for it in their wall socket. It's powered by its own built-in power pass-through cord.

According to Press Start, cold-swapping between the original hard drive and the external hard drive is easily done with "the flick of a switch." The versatility of the design means it can rest either on top of the PS4 or alongside it and can be placed either vertically or horizontally without damaging it or causing system malfunction.

While there's no official release date, it is confirmed that the Nyko Data Bank Pro will be available for purchase later this year and the current retail price is $39.99.

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