Samsung Galaxy S3 is coming in two variants for different mobile markets across the world. The 4G LTE variant of Samsung's latest flagship model packs dual-core Snapdragon processor and 2GB of RAM under the hood, while the 3G version runs quad-core Exynos with 1GB of RAM. However, if the latest reports are to be believed, then a third variant, which is probably a better deal than these two, with quad-core Exynos and 2GB of RAM is headed to Korea-based network provider SK Telecom.

Folks at PhoneArena have obtained leaked images of a spec sheet, which is claimed to be associated with Samsung Galaxy S3, showing Samsung-made quad-core Exynos processor and 2GB of RAM under the hood. However, the phone is slightly heavier and thicker than the regular version of Samsung Galaxy S3. The new variant weighs 136.5 g and is 9mm thicker. It is to be noted that the international version of Galaxy S3 is 8.6mm thick and it weighs 133 g.

Meanwhile the rest of specs remain unchanged. The phone packs 4.8-inch Super AMOLED display with resolution of 1,280 X 720 pixels @306ppi. The Galaxy S3 runs on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich with Samsung's revamped TouchWiz interface. The smartphone comes in 16GB and 32GB models. Offering expandable memory option, the phone supports microSD card sized up to 64GB. The 2,100 mAh battery is also highlighted in the leaked spec sheet.

The new variant of Galaxy S3 with Quad-core Exynos and 2GB of RAM combines the best of other two variants. It is perfect combination for the most powerful smartphone produced yet. However, the device is unlikely to release in U.S. or other markets. It looks like that the Korean tech giant is preserving the ace of cards for its home soil. The device is expected to land on SK Telecom in July.

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