Windows Phone devices have a 256MB limit if considered lower end, to ensure performance is consistent, regardless of hardware. The downside of the decision is some apps don’t work, all of which have been detailed in new research.

All About Windows Phone posted the analysis, shortly after the announcement of the low-end Nokia Lumia 610 and ZTE Orbis Windows Phone devices.

"In this feature we look at detailed statistics, culled from the AAWP App Tracking service, around the compatibility of apps and games from the Marketplace with these 256MB RAM devices," the Web site said. As of writing 1.6 percent of apps are incompatible, though the report added the figure will fall as developers update apps.

86,929 apps are available in the Windows Phone Marketplace, and 1,386 - 1.6 percent - aren't compatible with the limited devices. Microsoft estimated the figure would be around 5 percent.

All About Windows Phone looked at the 10,000 most popular apps in the UK and found 464 - 4.6 percent - didn't work. "In other words, for the top 10,000 apps, the proportion of incompatible apps is greater than for the overall marketplace," the report said. Looking at the top 1,000 apps saw 64 - or 6.4 percent - incompatible apps. Around 50 percent are games, which is due to increased memory requirements.

Of the 8,032 games in the Windows Phone Marketplace, 310 - 3.8 percent - are incompatible. Games make 12 percent of total available apps in the Marketplace, though make up 22 percent of the total number of incompatible apps.

Looking at Xbox Live games specifically, 30 out of 119 titles are incompatible. That's 25.2 percent of Xbox Live games. Titles includes Angry Birds, Assassin's Creed and Plants vs Zombies.

The report noted that since Windows Phone 7.1.1, 0.8 percent of apps were incompatible. All About Windows Phone added apps are being updated to support the low-end devices, with companies such as Rovio updating Angry Birds.

The site said consumers should be aware of the device limitations if investing in Windows Phone, but that "such a trade off is inevitable." It added most consumers will see the ability to use 95 percent of the Windows Phone Marketplace a worthwhile investment for half the price of a fully compatible device.

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