The highly popular anime television series, "Dragon Ball Super", is expected to transition into a brand new story arc when it returns with its new episode next week. The last episode, episode 70, that was titled "Champa's Challenge! This Time We Face Off in Baseball!", was simply a filler episode that will set the stage for a new story arc.

According to the latest spoiler reports, the upcoming new episode seems to indicate the possible death of Son Goku. Reports have revealed that he will likely die in the hands of an infamous Universe 6 assassin named Hit. While Goku and Hit had already faced each other back in the inter-universe tournament, the outcome of their battle was somewhat vague as Hit had apparently held back his full power. It is possible that Hit could be as powerful, if not more powerful, than Son Goku if he were to unleash his full abilities.

While fans are excited with the fact that the show will be moving on to a brand new story arc, some are still hesitant to believe that the anime creators would kill off the show's main protagonist as a start. Rumor reports have also revealed that Hit has apparently been hired by an unknown enemy to end Goku's life. Gohan, Goten, and Piccolo will reportedly witness Goku's death, which will then lead them to investigate the assassination and seek revenge on whoever ordered it in the first place.

Other reports have revealed that Goku may not necessarily die yet in the next episode. The leaked episode title immediately following it suggests that the confrontation between Goku and Hit may be extended. The leaked title for episode 72 is "Counter-attack? An Invisible Assassination Skill", suggesting that Goku may fight back and that Hit may have a difficult time fulfilling his assassination mission.

"Dragon Ball Super" episode 71, titled "Goku Dies! An Assassination Order That Must Be Performed", is scheduled to air next week, Dec. 18, at 8.p.m JST on Fuji TV.

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