"Pokémon Sun and Moon" has released its first Mythical Pokémon this week. Here's how to get your own Magearna, as well as a quick look at its moves and stats.

Mythical Pokémon Magearna: Stats And Moves

This artificial Pokémon, constructed more than 500 years ago, can understand human speech but cannot itself speak." - Magearna's Pokédex entry in "Pokémon Sun"

Level: 50

Ability: Soul-Heart

Type: Steel/Fairy


Fleur Cannon

Flash Cannon

Lucky Chant

Helping Hand

Held Item: Bottle Cap

Ball: Cherish Ball

Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon

Magearna is "Pokémon Sun and Moon'"s very first Mythical Pokémon. The fairy/steel type Pokémon was highly anticipated since its image was leaked early this year. It was revealed on Valentines Day, making it the very first Generation VII Pokémon to be officially introduced, according to Bulbapedia.

Magearna's signature move is the Fleur Cannon, which deals damage to the enemy and lowers its special attack stat.

Magearna's ability is the Soul-Heart Ability, and according to the official "Pokémon Sun and Moon" website, the ability is unique to Magearna. Soul-Heart raises Magearna's Special Attack for each fainted Pokémon in the area, making it stronger and more effective in battle.

How To Get Magearna

As with all mythical Pokémon, Magearna cannot be caught in the game, and can only be obtained using a special QR code. Before that, though, you would have to become the Pokémon League Champion first.

Next, head on to the Pokémon Sun and Moon website and scan the QR code using your Nintendo 3DS, then visit the deliveryman at the Antiquities of Ages shop in Hau'oli City to claim your prize!

The code will only be available until Mar. 5, 2017.

What About Marshadow?

Classified as a Gloomdweller Pokémon, there is still no information about Marshadow, the final entry in the Pokédex. According to Serebii.net, it is also an "Event only" Pokémon, like Magearna.

It is highly likely that Marshadow's QR code will be released a few weeks after Magearna's, and could be out by April next year. In the meantime, Marshadow remains a mystery.

Stay tuned for more "Pokémon Sun and Moon" guides.

Additional sources: Bulbapedia.net | Serebii.net | BGR

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