"The Big Bang Theory" is one of the most favorite comedy series on CBS with Kaley Cuoco and Johhny Galecki playing as the lead role. The show has been reportedly cancelled before because of the two actors' demand for salary increase.
However, recent reports suggest that the cancellation is hardly possible as the main casts have already signed for new contracts following the renewal of the show for another season. It is said that Season 11 is already in the works.
The fact that "The Big Bang Theory" delivered the biggest total viewer audience for its timeslot, the network will surely try its very best for the show to continue and hopefully lasts.
Meanwhile, speculations about the Season 11 storyline are making rounds on the internet.
Rumors are rife that the upcoming season will feature Amy's parents meeting Sheldon and his friends. It seems like the two are going to tie the knot so soon. Leonard and Penny, on the other hand will also live together and Penny might also be pregnant while Stuart will search a partner for life.
Some rumors state that a third party will try to break Leonard and Penny's relationship. With this, a new lady might be introduced.
Other speculations suggest that Bernadette and Howard's baby can bring new journey for the two along with Leonard and Penny who may become the godparents of the newborn baby. Howard's father and Priya might also come back.
It has been said that the plot of the new season is more exciting and funny, however, Jim Parsons might not be part of it anymore since he was reportedly focusing on the new show entitled, "The Monarch is Going to Shit." This is yet to be verified.
It can be recalled that the actor has once expressed in an interview that he always wants to be a part of the show.
"If the opportunity to go past season 10 came up, I'd be very hard-pressed to tell you who might say no - if anybody would. I wouldn't. The writers are still so devoted and on top of it. The stories that come out are still so much fun to play - there's no drudgery aspect to this."
Catch "The Big Bang Theory" Seaason 10 together with Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, and the rest of the cast every Thursday on CBS.
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