Apple till now has stuck to the 3.5-inch form factor, while the standard display size of rival smartphones is upping day by day. In the run of 4.3-inch-plus Androids now flooding the market, Apple has to think seriously about the change in dimensions of its upcoming iPhone, dubbed iPhone 5. And, if reports are to be believed, iPhone 5 will feature a 3.95-inch display with 1136 X 640 resolution.

As reported by 9to5Mac, Apple is working on two prototypes of sixth generation iPhone, named iPhone 5.1 and iPhone 5.2. These early-build models have a larger display, measuring 3.95 inches diagonally, with a resolution of 1136 X 640 pixels. The two prototypes, codenamed N41AP (iPhone 5.1) and N42AP (iPhone 5.2), are in early EVT (Engineering Validation Test) stage of development where one of them will be approved for mass manufacturing.

Apple is also testing custom-builds of iOS 6 for the 4-inch display. These iOS 6 builds have a modified home screen with six icon rows including the stationary app dock (something expected from larger display). Ditching the 3:2 screen ratio, the new resolution is very close to 16:9 aspect ratio which means HD videos would run natively on iPhone 5. The tech site also confirms that the new iPhone will have smaller dock connector, which is slightly larger than microUSB connector in size.

So far, we have heard a lot about 4-inch display. Wall Street Journal reported last week that Apple has ordered 4-inch displays from its suppliers, specifically Sharp, Japan Display and LG, and the production is about to begin in June. A recent report by Taipei Times complies that Apple has added Japan's Sony Mobile Display to the list of in-cell display suppliers for the next generation iPhone.

Many Apple fanboys have speculated an increase in the height of next-generation iPhone. Even iOS App developers are welcoming the concept of iPhone 5 with bigger display. 9to5Mac has a strong record of predicting rightly about Apple products. However, we cannot guarantee that this report is correct. It could be one of those speculation-based rumors, but it is the strongest hold that we got about iPhone 5.

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