Smasung's latest flagship offering - Galaxy S3 - got unveiled in a London event May 3. The highly awaited smartphone came with a quad-core turban Exynos processor, a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display, an 8 megapixel camera and a gigantic 2020mAh replaceable battery. The Korean tech giant's biggest offering so far has not yet hit the market and is announced by the company to get released in Europe by the month end.

Apart from these impressive hardware specs, the Android smartphone has also come with the introduction of one more important aspect which will set it apart the other handsets prevailing in the smartphone crowd. The maker of Samsung Galaxy S3 has introduced new features based on 'Human Interaction' technology. S-Voice -- the most imminent one -- is Samsung's direct challenge to Apple's Siri feature. It will allow the users to control the phone through voice. In addition to allowing information search and basic device-user communication, S-Voice will also offer functions in regards to device control and commands.

However, recent reports have emerged which are claiming that even before the killer smartphone has arrived, its S-Voice app has become available and a root to it has been achieved. Hence, as a result, other Android handset users may be able to use the new feature, if their device is running 4.0 ICS or later.

According to Tech Radar reports, an APK install package for the S-Voice app has now become available online, informed from the sources of Talk Android. Ascarface23 over on the XDADevelopers Forum is the source of the APK file, which does require the device to be rooted and some changes made to permissions and directories.

Once installed, the users will find that all the standard voice assistant features such as opening apps, navigating, contact searching and calling and more are accessible to them. There are warnings for potential rooters though and reports have stressed that this is an unregistered and unverified APK install and users have encountered some bugs and glitches. However, it appears that owners of Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Nexus have had the most success with the app so far.

Further, the install does require the device to be rooted and it has been reported that Galaxy S3 also got rooted. However, the reports have informed that the users could not flash the ROM to another phone yet while the developers were able to poke around inside and could be bringing elements of the TouchWiz Nature UX experience to a wider audience at some point.

The reports emerged from Pocketnow via the XDA-Developers. The official stock firmware, version I9300XXALE8, has also been leaked for the unlocked international carrier-free version of the Galaxy S3.

Here is a link to download the voicetalk app. However, the readers are not advised to try it.

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