The supernatural drama series "Grimm" is set to debut its season finale on January 2017, but fans are still hoping for the continuation of the series to Season 7.

Previously, it has been reported that the Season 7 is hardly possible to happen as there will be a release of a spin-off series.

The online petition concerning the production of "Grimm" Season 7 has now reached to more than 11,000 supporters, but, in which the petition was launched, needs almost 15,000 petitioners. Hence, fans of the series still continue to gather signatures.

However, there are rumors suggesting that NBC was convinced and will likely go for the fans' request.

Some reports said that the online petition has not been recognized nor accepted by the show's creators as they take into consideration that a spin-off is already in the works.

Other speculated that Netflix will take the series if the show will finally say goodbye to NBC. Though fans have been hoping for this, the network is yet to validate the recent rumor.

"Since the petition on convincing NBC to extend the series did not work because the network seemed to have its final decision, fans are now hoping that Netflix will be the one to get their hopes up," an insider said as reported by Inquistr.

The source added that as the series will wrap up soon, a lot of things will surely be missed.

"First, is all the crazy wesen. From pigs to lizards, fans have seen it all, but though many were evil, they will be missed. Then there is Monroe the reformed Blutbad who has become a key part of the crime solving team. Then there is the supporting cast, like Wu and Bud, whose one-liners often provide comic relief to the show."

Meanwhile, Season 6 is reported to have 13 episodes only compared to the 22 episodes in previous seasons. It has been said that Lt. Grossante, who is played by Chris McKenna, will reprise his role in the season finale.

"Grimm" Season 7 is still a mystery unless NBC will give its final say about the release.

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