(Reuters) - Viacom Inc, the parent of MTV and Comedy Central, has settled lawsuits with Time Warner Cable Inc over whether cable subscribers may watch shows on mobile devices such as Apple Inc's iPad.

The accord means Viacom programs such as "Jersey Shore," "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and "South Park" will become available over the TWC TV app over the next several weeks.

"All of Viacom's programming will now be available to Time Warner Cable subscribers for in-home viewing via Internet protocol-enabled devices such as iPads," the companies said in a joint statement posted on Viacom's website.

Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. Time Warner Cable will also continue to carry programming from Viacom's Country Music Television, the companies said.

Maureen Huff, a Time Warner Cable spokeswoman, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The settlement resolves lawsuits that Viacom and Time Warner Cable filed against each other in April 2011.

Viacom settled a similar iPad streaming lawsuit with Cablevision Systems Corp last August.

The popularity of iPad tablets and other mobile devices has caused friction between content providers such as Viacom and cable companies over whether various means to distribute programming violate contractual or trademark rights.

Mark Jafar, a Viacom spokesman, on a company blog called the Time Warner Cable settlement "very good news for consumers."

The cases are Time Warner Cable Inc v. Viacom International Inc et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 11-02376; and Viacom International Inc et al v. Time Warner Cable Inc et al in the same court, No. 11-02387.

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