Google has launched its latest Android update with its Pixel Phones, teasing more users who are patiently waiting to get the Android Nougat updates in their respective phones. In fact, Samsung's Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge are ready to get Android 7.0 soon.
Google's latest smartphone software features a wide range of improvements and upgrades on its predecessors, including the super-smart Google Assistant.
As per the latest report, Samsung has hinted that the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge will be the first to get Android Nougat updates among its smartphones.
Three days earlier, Samsung has released a beta version of Android 7.0 Nougat for its Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge customers in UK. Sooner after the release, the server crashed.
As per the Samsung guidelines, Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge customers interested in taking part in the OS beta test need to download the "Galaxy Beta Programme" application and submit the application form through "Registration" menu on the top of the app.
The so-called 'Galaxy Beta Program' involves a specialised app that will allow Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge users to sign up for an upgrade to Android Nougat as soon as it is ready.
The app is available to download now through Samsung's official Galaxy Apps stores, as well as certain other third-party sites.
Recently, Samsung has released the beta version of Android 7.0 for the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge in its home country also. Android Nougat has been out for nearly three months now, and Google has delegated the responsibility to different manufactures to rollout the updates.
The recent update to Android 7.0 with some improvements and bug fixes also arrived as Android Nougat 7.1, which brings a number of new features to Google fans, particularly app developers looking to take advantage of the new software.
If the manufacturers are delaying the release of updates, we might expect a list of new features that includes Google's Daydream virtual reality platform, meaning developers can begin to build new and immersive VR experience and apps for Android users.
Stay tuned for more updates on the latest Android OS update.
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