"Endless Space 2," the sequel to Amplitude Studios' award-winning turn-based 4x space-strategy game "Endless Space," was released last week, and is currently at Early Access.
For those who want to cheat their way in and make their "Endless Space 2" experience an easy one, the folks over at Cheat Happens has released a trainer for the game, which allows players to tweak a few parameters in the game itself via the developer console.
Cheat Happens, which has been making PC Trainers for more than fifteen years, has chosed to release an alpha build trainer for "Endless Space 2" instead of a full version.
"Yes, there was no point in us making some huge trainer when they have this built in menu that has everything you need, especially knowing that it's going to update 100 times," Cheat Happens co-founder Chris O'Rorke, also known as PWizard, commented. "When and if they disable or remove this debug menu, we will make a full trainer for it."
So how does it work? First, here are the PC requirements for the trainer.
Windows 7 or above
64-Bit OS (the trainer does not support 32-bit)
.NET Framework 4.6 or above
VC++ Redistributable 2015 (x86 AND x64)
DirectX9 for controller support
After activating the trainer, you have to press F1+Shift in the game to open the debug menu.
The trainer will then allow players to modify any resources individually, as well as instantly complete quests and more. The trainer can also be used during VR mode.
You can download the trainer via the Cheat Happens site using this link. If you don't have prior experience with game trainers, you can check out the site's tutorial video for a quick tour.
The developers of "Endless Space 2" said that they are targeting Early Access to last four to six months, and those who have Early Access will help the team improve the game. Check out more details about this game on Steam.
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