The hype of the augmented reality mobile game "Pokémon GO" gradually goes down to a simmer, but the hunt for the strongest Pokémon is still going strong.

When the game first came out, it is difficult trying to determine which Pokémon are the strongest, as Niantic Labs did not release any information about it. Thankfully, some have cracked the code.

CP Tier List

The Silph Road was able to form a Pokémon Tier list based on the Pokémon's Combat Points growth. Here we list the top Pokémon based on CP tier. We will be publishing a simpler list on this article, and we encourage you to go check out the full details on the respective site.

Note: Those marked with * are not in the game yet.

SS Tier:


S Tier:


Mew*, Moltres*

Snorlax, Zapdos*

Arcanine, Articuno*, Exeggutor, Lapras


A Tier:


Charizard, Flareon, Machamp, Muk, Slowbro, Venusaur

Blastoise, Victreebel, Poliwrath

Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Vileplume

Clefable, Golduck


Magmar, Rhydon, Omastar, Tentacruel, Weezing

B Tier:

Aerodactyl, Dewgong, Hypno, Ninetales, Rapidash, Starmie, Wigglytuff

Electabuzz, Gengar, Jolteon, Kabutops, Pidgeot, Pinsir, Scyther

Cloyster, Kangakhan, Raichu, Seaking

Golbat, Magneton, Primeape, Venomoth

Alakazam, Dodrio, Kingler, Tauros, Sandslash

Arbok, Fearow, Jynx, Parasect, Tangela, Seadra

C Tier:

Electrode, Marowak, Porygon

Lickitung, Persian

Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee

Beedrill, Butterfree, Mr. Mime, Raticate



F Tier:




Strongest Pokémon By Type

Of course, Pokémon strength is not determined by CP growth alone. Pokémon types are also important, especially when defending and taking gyms.

Here are the strongest offensive Pokémon for each type, based on DPS output, according to Gamepress. Head on to the site for the full information, including the recommended Quick Move for each Pokémon.

Bug: Venomoth

Dragon: Dragonite

Electric: Raichu

Fairy: Clefable

Fighting: Machamp

Fire: Arcanine

Flying: Pidgeot

Ghost: Gengar

Grass: Victreebel

Ground: Golem

Ice: Cloyster

Normal: Wigglytuff

Poison: Muk

Psychic: Exeggutor

Rock: Golem

Water: Golduck

Dark: Gengar

Best Attackers and Defenders For Gyms

For aspiring gym leaders, here is a list of the top attackers and defenders.

Check out our dedicated "Pokémon GO" section for all the tips and tricks!

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