Splashtop has launched a new tablet application to replicate the Windows 8 user interface on the iPad. This app comes in handy especially for developers who are working on Windows 8 apps and want to test them on a tablet, since an actual Windows 8 tablet is not available for sale yet.
With the "Win8 Metro Testbed - powered by Splashtop" remote desktop application, developers can test the gestures and functionality of Windows 8 on the iPad. Win8 Metro Testbed replicates the Windows 8 user interface, therefore developers will be able to test specific touch-driven apps on the iPad.
Users will be able to test a touch-driven Windows 8 game such as pinball, and the app provides full sound and graphics as well, enhancing the testing experience. It also allows users to swipe between or view specific menus in programs such as IE, or pinch to navigate folders, files and data.
How Does it Work?
Users don't need a Windows 8 tablet, however the app does require a PC running Windows 8 and Splashtop's Streamer software. First you have to install the Win6 Metro Testbed app on the iPad (it will be automatically renamed Splashtop Win8), then download and install the free Splashtop Streamer client software on the PC so it can communicate with the iPad. The Streamer will prompt you to type a security code so only you can remotely access your PC from your iPad.
Once you run the app on the tablet, it will scan your local network for any PCs running Splashtop's Streamer software. Select the name of the PC you want to access and enter the security code. The Windows 8 remote session will pop up on the iPad, with a small on-screen Hints Control Bar in case you need tips on how to use the app.
User Experience
Users can test the same touch-based gestures they would use on a Windows 8 device: swiping from the right will open the Charms (options) menu, swiping from the left allows switching between apps, pulling down will close an app, while pinching will zoom in or out.
The iPad's screen will also display a small icon in the lower right when running the Windows 8 app. Tapping the icon once will pop up a virtual keyboard, while a double-tap will display a Splashtop toolbar allowing you to access the Hints Control Bar, lock the screen rotation, display navigation keys, enable a mouse cursor, or close the connection.
The Windows 8 OS Consumer Preview is available for download since late February. While the current Windows 7 operating system is considered more of a desktop OS with touch capabilities, the Windows 8 OS is optimized particularly for touch. The Win8 Metro Testbed is available for download on Apple's App Store, currently priced at $24.99. Once this promotion ends, the app will cost $49.99.
(reported by Alexandra Burlacu, edited by Dave Clark)
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